Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Advice and Guidance

180 Days
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To achieve this qualification, learners must complete all units in group A and a minimum of 20 credits from group B. A minimum total of 37 credits. This qualification is for those who have a senior role giving advice and guidance and who are looking to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding.

The qualification is designed for individuals who are working in roles that involve providing advanced advice and guidance, such as career advisors, educational counsellors, and professional development coaches. This diploma equips participants with advanced practical skills and knowledge to effectively support individuals in making informed decisions, setting goals, and achieving success in their personal and professional lives.

Course Details

Qualification Name:

Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Advice and Guidance


iCQ OfQual recognised qualification

OfQual Qualification Accreditation Number (QAN):


Average time to completion:


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